
What do you hope to get out of Humanities Core?

N.d. Misha's Musings. Web. 2 Oct. 2015. <https://nemisha8.wordpress.com/2014/06/22/science-vs-humanities/>.
Humanities core is an exciting and interesting class that I believe will make me a better writer and reader of novels and poetry. What I wish to get out of humanities core is a better understanding of literature. I hope to not only use what I have learned in the past to improve my writing but to use what I will learn in this class to become an even better writer. I plan to use the skills I learn in Humanities core not only now but in the future during my career. I do not wish to limit my education in this class to strictly writing essays and other forms of written expression like this blog but I plan to become more skilled at understanding the texts I read . I wish to acquire skills like "interpretation" (Pan, P.8-7)  and analysis to further understand the texts I read in the this class.

I hope that what I write and read in this class will give me a new perspective on how I not only think about the humanities but about society's morals and my own. I wish to gain insight on how other people in the past were thinking at the time these books were written and how their perspectives shape how we think today. I am excited about the opportunities for group participation in the Humanities seminars. I like how this gives all of us the opportunity to observe new and unique thoughts from the work given from our peers in the class. Humanities Core will not only give me the opportunity to better my writing but to also understand more about the society I live in today.

Work Cited:
Castillo, Larisa. Humanities Core Writer's Hand Book. United States: Pearson. 2014. Print

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