
Brainstorming Disciplinary Approaches and Humanistic Research Questions

My research project is about how war affects women of the middle east and how it affects the culture that they live in.
I will be answering questions like 

  • What is to be gained by studying my primary source in a specific historical and cultural context
    • What is gained by studying Persepolis is an understanding of a more intimate almost testimonial like perceptive of the 1979 revolution in Iran.
  • Which fields of the humanities would study a primary source like mine?
    • The fields of the humanities that would study a primary source like mine are Literature, History, Gender and sexuality studies, and Middle eastern studies.
  • How would those fields analyze my primary source differently?
    • Those fields would analyze my primary source differently by looking at the same or different evidence and explaining why they think Satrapi included it in the narrative.
  • Which features of my primary source illuminate or highlight controversy?
    • The features of my primary source that would illuminate or highlight controversy is the fact that the narrative could be read as one that is anti-westernization or pro-westernization.
  • Does my primary source give a voice to a silenced element of a population? 
    • My primary source does give a voice to a silenced element of a population mainly a voice to a female in a culture where typically female voices are hushed and a child's voice.
  • How does my primary source relate to the major themes explored this year? 
    • The source relates to the major theme of Orientalism because the main arguments about the artifact are to get the American readers to realize that the east and the west are not so different after all.
  • What are the ethos, logos, and pathos of my primary source? 
    • The ethos of my source is the ethos of my primary source is the fact that it is written by Satrapi, a woman that has experienced the Iranian Revolution first hand. The source had logos with the fact that the author includes a logical story line and includes figures like Marx. The source has pathos because it is written through the eyes or a child which many people can emotionally relate to.                
But I will also add more cultural and psychological questions also on the film that is my artifact.
  1. How does the medium of a graphic novel affect the message of the book?
  2.  How do cultural events affect the main character and how do these events reflect larger meanings about the Iranian Revolution in a general sense?
  3. How does feminism play a large role in Satrapi’s novel and what is its use to the overall message of the narrative?

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